The symmetrical layout of the carrick bend, with eight crossing points, yields several different knots, depending on what goes over and under where. For this reason , some very unreliable knots have been misleadingly labelled carrick bends. the true carrick bend was named by M. Lescallier in Vocabulaire des Termes de marine (1783) and featured by Felix Reisenberg in Seamanship for the Merchant Service (1922). The name 'carrick' may come from medieval trading ships called carracks.
This is a bend for joining larger ropes and cables. Although often assumed to be strong, it is in fact only about 65% efficient.
Method :
Weave the ropes over and under (1-2). Arrange the layout so that the working ends emerge on opposite sides of the knot. Pull the knot tight, capsizing it into its stable working form(3).The version with both short ends on the same side (4) may be less secure and so is not recommended as a bend. (However, it is a crucial knot for students of mathematical knot theory) Bring the working end around to re-enter the knot (5), doubling and trebling the lead, to make a decorative Turk's head mat or bracelet.
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